Orchid™ Run & Ride 2015 is the brainchild of the Association of Wives and Women Staff of PETRONAS (PETRONITA), emulating Australia’s Daffodil Day, which is the Cancer Society’s annual flagship event and one of the most important fundraising and awareness campaigns in Australia. Orchid™ Run & Ride is aimed at raising funds for various charitable causes in Malaysia as well as to promote a healthy living lifestyle.

For the first time in Sarawak, Orchid™ Run & Ride 2024 will hold its first leg in Bintulu on 3rd August 2024, in conjunction with PETRONAS 50th Anniversary Celebration. This year, PETRONITA is proudly pledging its support in raising funds for 4 Sarawakian charitable bodies.

Event Information

 Date:  3 August 2024
 Time:  5:30 am - 11:00 am
 Venue:  The Spring Shopping Mall, Bintulu (Premier Car Park)


Race Pack Collection

 Date:  1 & 2 August 2024
 Time:  10:00 am - 10:00 pm
 Venue:  The Spring Shopping Mall, Bintulu (Concourse)

Category & Fee

Participant Entitlement

Cash Prize

Event T-Shirt & Jersey


Lucky Draw

Route Map

Terms & Conditions

Please read all the terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. Each individual who registers to participate in Petronita Orchid Run & Ride 2024 (“the Event”) (and, where applicable, in the case of a participant below the age of 18 years, the participant’s parent, guardian or legal representative) (“Participant”) declares and acknowledges to have read, understood and agreed to the Terms below and undertakes to comply with and be bound by the same.


  1. Petronita Orchid Run & Ride 2024 (‘Event’) is owned by PERSATUAN ISTERI-ISTERI KAKITANGAN & KAKITANGAN WANITA PETRONAS (PETRONITA). (‘Organiser’).
  2. The Event will be held on 3 August 2024 (“Date”). The Organiser reserves the right to postpone or cancel the Event at any time.
  3. Eligibility:

                3.1.   The Event is open to all and each participant attends the Event on his or her own free will. Age qualification will be taken as of Event Day.

                3.2.   Participants must be aged 16 years old and above on Saturday 3 August 2024 to participate in the 5KM FUN RUN & 10KM RUN category.

                3.3.   Participants must be aged 5 years and above on Saturday 3 August 2024 to participate in the 5KM FUN RUN category.

                3.4.    Participants must be aged 16 years old and above on Saturday 3 August 2024 to participate in the 12KM FUN RIDE category.

                3.5.   Participants of age 5 - 12 years old MUST be accompanied by at least ONE adult participant of 18 years old and above of the same category who will always be responsible for their safety.


  1. Prizes Winners:

                4.1.   Winners must be personally present to collect their prizes after the race upon the announcement of results. All uncollected prizes will be forfeited.

                4.2.   The Organiser reserves the right to request for the winners’ identity card or passport for age verification.




  1. By signing up for and providing any information, personal or otherwise, to gain access and to participate in the Event or any activities relating to the Event, the participant is deemed to have given express permission to the Organiser and Event partners and sponsors (if any) to use such personal information for marketing, statistical and planning purposes.
  2. By signing up for and providing any information, personal or otherwise, the participant agrees to provide his/her name and personal details to the insurance partner of the Event for the purchase of Group Personal Accident Insurance (compulsory by the Sports Commissioner).
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to contact the participant from time to time by any means. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the Organiser shall be deemed as received by the participant.
  4. If a participant provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, the Organiser may suspend or terminate the participant’s registration and refuse any and all current or future use of any components of the Event. There will be no fee refund upon such suspension or termination of the participant’s registration.
  5. The Organiser will not entertain or be in any way responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete or inaccurate Registration Data in the Event registration form completed by the participant.
  6. Once the participant’s registration has been duly processed, there will be no refund for any participant who does not eventually participate in the Event for whatever reason.
  7. All T-Shirt measurements are subject to 2cm+/- inch tolerance and for cycling jersey measurement are subject to 3cm+/- inch tolerance.
  8. All colours, designs and materials of merchandise are subject to change without notice.
  9. There will be no refund on registration fees if the Event is cancelled for the reason of force majeure, i.e., due to the occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the Organiser (including but not limited to haze, storm, rain, inclement weather, wind, act of God, terrorism, or other conditions) and which in the Organiser’s opinion, renders it impossible or unsafe to hold the Event.




  1. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to any applicant under the age of 5 for a 5KM FUN RUN and under the age of 16 for a 10KM RUN and 12KM FUN RIDE.
  2. Bib given to the participants during the Entry Pack Collection is compulsory to be always worn during the Event. Entry will be prohibited otherwise. The Bib Number will also be use as drawing number for lucky draw.
  3. While the Organiser will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the participant’s safety, participants attending the Event are solely at their own risk, and the Organiser will not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death, however, arising from training for, during or after participation in the Event. Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the actual Event day.
  4. It is the sole responsibility of every participant to inform the medical staff/safety marshal of the session regarding any injury or reason that they cannot exercise.
  5. Should any participant feel fatigued, restless, or injured at any time during or before the session, they must immediately inform the medical staff/safety marshal and refrain from joining the session.
  6. Participants must retire from the session immediately if required to do so by any member of the official medical staff/safety marshal.
  7. The Organiser cannot be held responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property during the session.
  8. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Event, which will be reflected on the Event’s Registration Platform, and it is the responsibility of all the participants to keep abreast with any changes.
  9. The Organiser reserves the right to change the Date, venue, or cancel the Event at any time without prior notice to the participants, in which case the Organiser will make every effort to inform the participants before the Date. If the Event must be cancelled, there shall be NO refund of fees, and the Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused.
  10. The Organiser is not responsible for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, unauthorised access to, or alteration of user communications, or any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, online computer systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or traffic congestion on the internet and/or the Event’s Official Website.
  11. Participants must ensure that they have read and understood the Personal Data Protection Notice on the collection, retention, use, disclosure, and management of the participant’s personal data. By registering for the Event, reading and agreeing to it, Participants agree to authorise and allow the Organiser and/or any of its subsidiary companies to collect, retain, use and disclose the participant’s personal data for the purposes mentioned in the Personal Data Protection Notice.