Event Information


18th January 2025 (Saturday)

 Flag-off Time



Padang Merbok (Jln Parlimen, Kuala Lumpur)


Approximately 3.50 KM x 4 = 14KM

 Registration Cut-off Date

22.11.2024 (Friday) 11.59pm Malaysian time

 Facebook Page

All latest information in relation to the Run will be published on our Facebook Page.


  • Mixed Open Category
  • Judiciary Category
  • Care2Run Category

 Entry Fee

RM300 per team for the first 30 teams (early bird registration) (exclusive of 8% online registration admin fee)

RM350 per team for subsequent teams (exclusive of 8% online registration admin fee)

 Team Composition

(a) Mixed Open Category

  1. 4 runners with at least one (1) female runner and one (1) male runner.
  2. Each team must consist of at least two (2) practising lawyers and/or pupils in chambers with the option of having two (2) members who hold a LL.B Degree.

Please refer to Race Requirement for further details.

(b) Judiciary Category

  1. 4 runners in one team
  2. Each runner shall be members of the judiciary.

(c) Care2Run

  1. 4 runners in one team.
  2. Each runner shall be part of the Care2Run team.

Race Entry Pack Collection Date and Venue

Collection Venue:
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50050 Kuala Lumpur.

Collection Dates:
9th (Thursday) & 10th (Friday) January 2025 - 9am to 5pm
11th (Saturday) & 12th (Sunday) January 2025 - 10am to 4pm

Documents to bring along for Race Entry Pack Collection

To collect your Race Entry Pack, you must bring your registered team’s confirmation slip (which will be issued to the registered team ‘captain’s’ email.  You may appoint a representative to collect your Race Entry Pack on your behalf. The representative must present the following:

  • Printout of your registered team’s confirmation slip
  • Letter of authorisation signed by the registered team ‘captain’ (this will be at the bottom of the confirmation slip)
  • Representative’s MyKad/passport
  • Photocopy of the registered team ‘captain’s’ MyKad/passport

Rules and Regulations

Part A - General

  1. The KL Bar Run 2025 (“KLBR”) is organised by the KLBC Sports Committee (“KLBAR”) in accordance with these Rules and Regulations (“R & Rs”) and all the terms and conditions stated hereunder in this webpage are applicable to all Participants.
  2. By signing up/registering for the KLBR and submitting information to KLBAR through this website, whether for the purposes of registering or otherwise, you signify that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the R & Rs and the Privacy Policy as published in the Kuala Lumpur Bar website at klbar.org.my in respect of KLBAR’s collection, use, disclosure, and any other form of processing of your personal data.
  3. Completion of the online registration form herein confirms the Participant’s agreement to abide and be bound by these R & Rs.
  4. Registration for the race is only confirmed upon payment and issuance of a receipt.
  5. The Participant agrees to: (i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about the Participant as per the registration form (“Personal Information”); and (ii) maintain and promptly update the Personal Information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. KLBAR may contact the Participant from time to time by way of e-mail, telephone call, or facsimile. Any notice sent to the e-mail address registered with KLBAR shall be deemed as received by the Participant.
  6. If the Participant provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current and/or incomplete, and/or if KLBAR has grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current and/or incomplete, KLBAR may suspend or terminate the Participant’s registration. KLBAR is also entitled to disqualify the team/participant in the event of the discovery of any such untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete information after the race is completed and/or at any time of such discovery.
  7. KLBAR reserves the right to modify or substitute any of these R & Rs from time to time as they deem fit. If there is ambiguity in any of these provisions, KLBAR shall be the authority to interpret the same and in so doing, KLBAR will endeavour to take into account the interests of all the affected Participants. Any amendments to these R & Rs will be updated on the Kuala Lumpur Bar Website at klbar.org.my (“Official Website”) or via e-mail to you.
  8. KLBAR reserves the right to cancel the KLBR at any time without prior notice to the Participant, in which case they will make reasonable efforts to inform the Participant prior to the date of the event. If the KLBR is cancelled, there shall be no refund of fees paid. KLBAR, Event Sponsors or Co-Sponsors shall not be liable for any loss or inconvenience caused.
  9. KLBAR reserves the right to amend the KLBR race routes as they deem fit for the safety of the Participant, to prevent any potential hazards in the running of the event and/or for whatever reason, at any time without prior notice to the Participant. In such cases, every reasonable effort will be made to inform the Participant prior to the day / date of the event. KLBAR, Event Sponsors or Co-Sponsors shall not be liable for any loss or inconvenience caused.
  10. KLBAR reserves the right to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other media records (including those displaying the Participant) of the KLBR, for any legitimate purpose, including commercial advertising.
  11. KLBAR reserves the right to limit and/or refuse race entries without assigning any reason.
  12. KLBAR will not entertain nor be in any way responsible for any dispute arising from incomplete entry details.
  13. For avoidance of doubt, the words ‘Participant’ or ‘Participants’ shall mean the individual(s) participating and registering for the KLBR, and its singular meaning shall be deemed to include the plural and vice versa.

Part B - Safety

  1. The Participant(s) takes part in KLBR at his or her own risk and shall be responsible for his or her own safety. KLBAR, Event Sponsors or Co-Sponsors shall not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death howsoever arising from training for or during participation in the KLBR. The Participant is strongly encouraged to consult his or her medical practitioner in respect of his or her health prior to registration and before the actual race day.
  2. A Participant must retire from the race immediately if required to do so by any of the official medical staff, race director, referee and/or security officer.
  3. The race route will NOT be closed to public for the duration of the race.
  4. For the Care2Run Category, it is the parents’/guardians’ responsibilities to ensure the health/fitness and safety of the child/children/young adults under their care.
  5. All Participants shall strictly comply with any standard operating procedures, guidelines, rules, and regulations as imposed by the relevant authorities or KLBAR from time to time.

Part C – Race Format

  1. Each team member is to complete ONE (1) loop of the race route with a distance of approximately 3.5 km. KLBAR reserves the right to determine the distance and the course of the running route. KLBAR does not condone any form of cheating including any departure from the designated running route/course. Any form of cheating will result in immediate disqualification of the team from the race.
  2. Each team will be assigned with a baton in the form of a Plastic Gavel with a timing chip attached to it.
  3. Each runner will be assigned with the Team’s Number. For example: Team 5001 will receive four (4) running bibs – 5001A (1st Runner), 5001B (2nd Runner), 5001C (3rd Runner), and 5001D (4th Runner). Participants must attach the assigned bib on the front of their running attire. Participants not wearing the official running bib will be disqualified from the run. All team members in a team must wear the bib bearing their bib numbers assigned to the team.
  4. All runners must hold the baton during his or her leg of the run.
  5. The baton must be passed to the subsequent runner at the Hand Over Area within the allowed hand over zone.
  6. DO NOT BLOCK the timing chip when crossing the timing mat. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Runner must cross the timing mat with the baton ONCE while the 4th Runner crosses the timing mat TWICE (after taking over the baton from the 3rd runner and after finishing his or her leg of the race).
  7. All batons must be returned to the organiser before the close of the event. If the batons are not returned to KLBAR, KLBAR will reserve the right to claim for losses against the defaulting participants.
  8. Any misuse or tampering with the timing chip/baton will render the timing chip faulty and may result in the timing of the team not being captured properly.
  9. There may be checkpoint(s) during the course of the race where an identification item may be handed out to each runner.
  10. The designated first runners are to assemble at the starting point 10 minutes before the flag off time while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th runners are to assemble at the waiting area and be ready to wait for the return of the earlier runner at the Hand Over Area. The race repeats until all four (4) runners complete one (1) loop of the race route.
  11. The first team whose 4th runner crosses the finish line with the baton will be declared the winner unless technical disputes arise or any reason whatsoever which KLBAR deems fit to declare otherwise.
  12. ‘Gun Time’ will be used to determine winners.
  13. Pets, bicycles, in-line skates, prams, push carts, shoes with built-in or attached rollers and any other wheel-run objects are not allowed to be used by the Participants on the race route.
  14. No substitutions are allowed before or on race day without prior written consent from KLBAR.
  15. Participants ate to run in accordance to the sequence based on their team’s registration sequence.

Race Requirements

  1. Save for the Care2Run Category, all Participants must be 18 years and above on race day to participate in the KLBR.
  2. Participants must be physically fit and in good health to complete the race distance within the designated Cut-Off Time.
  3. Participants are responsible for their own personal health insurance and wellbeing. KLBAR assumes no responsibility for any injury or damage that occurs from training, during or as a result of the KLBR. Participants are encouraged to consult with their medical practitioner prior to the KLBR.
  4. The KLBR is open to all members of the Malaysian Bar, Judiciary, pupils in chambers, and anyone who holds a LL.B Degree subject to Rule (7) and Rule (8) below.
  5. KLBAR may invite members of foreign Bar/Associations to participate in the KLBR.
  6. For all categories, each team must consist of four (4) runners.
  7. Mixed Open Category:
    1. Each team must consist of a minimum of one (1) male runner and one (1) female runner.
    2. Each team must consist of at least two (2) existing practising lawyers and/or pupils in chambers with the option of having the other two (2) runners who hold a LL.B Degree.
    3. Examples of team formation are as follows:-
      1. Jane (F) (Lawyer) + John (M) (Lawyer) + Jean (F) (Pupil) + Jim (M) (Legal adviser)
      2. Jane (F) (Lawyer) + John (M) (Lawyer) + Jim (M) (Lawyer) + Jack (M) (Lawyer practising in Singapore)
      3. Jane (F) (Pupil) + Jean (F) (Pupil) + Jessica (F) (Pupil) + Jack (M) (DPP)
      4. Jane (F) (Lawyer) + John (M) (Pupil) + Jim (M) (in-house counsel) + Jean (F) (former lawyer)
      5. Jane (F) (Lawyer) + John (M) (Pupil) + Jim (M) (former lawyer) + Jean (F) (law graduate)
  1. Judiciary Category:
    1. Each team must consist of four (4) members of the judiciary (which includes Magistrates, Session Court judges, Judicial Commissioners, High Court judges, Court of Appeal judges, and Federal Court judges, retired judges, former judges).
  2. Care2Run Category:
    1. Each team must consist of four (4) runners from Care2Run.
    2. Each runner shall be accompanied by the runners’ parents/guardians/adults responsible for the safety of the runner(s).
  3. KLBAR reserves all rights to reject and/or cancel any registration of any team which fails to fulfil the Race Requirements stated herein.

Team Name

Please note that team names cannot exceed 18 alphabets to ensure that it will fit into the KLBR bib.

Cancellation and Disqualification

  1. After registration and payment of registration fees, there will be no fee refunds for any Participant(s) who does not eventually take part in the KLBR, for any reason whatsoever.
  2. Participants are not allowed to transfer his or her race entry to another party after his or her registration is confirmed.
  3. Any Participant who commences before the actual start time of the race OR does not fully complete the route will be disqualified.
  4. A team who does not start within 15 minutes from the flag off time will be disqualified.
  5. Results as determined by the KLBAR shall be FINAL and no appeal will be allowed. No disputes will be entertained.
  6. KLBAR reserves all rights to disqualify any team whose member/members are found to be cheating, refusing/failure to adhere to the R & Rs and/or in any way behaving in a manner which KLBAR in its absolute discretion finds to be offensive or inappropriate.
  7. In the event any runner in a team does not run in accordance with the sequence based on their registration sequence, the said team will be disqualified for podium placing.

Cut-off Time

The Cut-off Time for the entire team to complete the KLBR shall be is 120 minutes from the flag-off time.

Runner's Entitlement

  1. All four (4) team members in a team who successfully complete the race (4 x 3.5 km) (or any such distance as will be decided by KLBAR) within the Cut-Off Time will be awarded with a Finisher Medal upon the return of the baton and identification items of each runner (if any).
  2. Every participant will be entitled an Event Tee Shirt, Running Bib and Goody Bag (“Race Entry Pack”). The Race Entry Pack are to be collected prior to race day.

Collection Venue –
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
Unit 4.02, Level 4
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia
No. 2, Leboh Pasar Besar
50050 Kuala Lumpur.

Collection Dates –
9th (Thursday) & 10th (Friday) January 2025 - 9am to 5pm
11th (Saturday) & 12th (Sunday) January 2025 - 10am to 4pm

  1. To collect your Race Entry Pack, you must bring your registered team’s confirmation slip (which will be issued to the registered team ‘captain’s’ email). You may appoint a representative to collect your Race Entry Pack on your behalf. The representative must present the following:
  • Printout of your registered team’s confirmation slip
  • Letter of authorisation signed by the registered team ‘captain’ (this will be at the bottom of the confirmation slip)
  • Representative’s MyKad/passport
  • Photocopy of the registered team ‘captain’s’ MyKad/passport
  1. All Finisher Medals are to be collected on race day upon completion of the run. No requests thereafter will be entertained.

Important Notes

  • Strictly no changes in T-shirt/ singlet sizes will be allowed.
  • No late collection will be entertained.
  • Race Entry Packs cannot be collected on race day.
  • Race Entry Packs not collected after 4pm on the last collection date will be deemed unwanted and KLBAR may dispose or re-distribute them accordingly.

T-Shirt Size Chart

Finisher Medal


Collection of Baton

  1. Each team will be assigned with a baton in the form of a Plastic Gavel with a timing chip attached to it.
  2. All Team Captains MUST report at the Registration Counter and collect the batons 30 minutes before the flag-off time. Latecomers will be disqualified from the race without notice.
  3. Late collection will not be entertained and KLBAR shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused, due to the teams’ or Participants’ inability to collect their respective batons.

Route Map

To be confirmed. Participants will be notified closer to race day.

Podium Winners

  1. Mixed Open Category: Trophies will be awarded to the Top 10 teams with the fastest overall timing. The teams who win the Champion Trophy, the 1st Runner-Up Trophy, the 2nd Runner-Up Trophy, the 4th Placing Trophy and the 5th Placing Trophy respectively may, at the discretion of the KLBAR, keep the Trophies for 3 months from race day before returning the same to the KL Bar Secretariat. The winning teams’ name will also be engraved on these contesting trophies.
  2. Judiciary Category: Trophies will be awarded to the Top 3 teams with the fastest overall timing.
  3. Care2Run Category: Trophies will be awarded to the Top 3 teams with the fastest overall timing.
  4. In the event there is any damage to the trophy or the trophy is not returned to the KL Bar Secretariat within the time stipulated, the team in default shall bear the cost of repair or replacement of the trophy.

Fanciest Dress Awards

Trophies will be awarded to Top 3 Fanciest Dressed teams. Results will be announced during the prize presentation ceremony on event day.

Fastest Male and Female Awards

Trophies will be awarded to Top 10 Fastest Male Runners and Top 10 Fastest Female Runners (both Open & Veteran categories) based on their individual timings recorded by the official timing device.


  1. The team’s results (name of runners and timing) will be published on KL Bar Website, Checkpoint website and KL Bar Run Facebook Page once finalised.
  2. The master list will contain particulars (name of runners, team name and timing) of all teams participating in this event.

Refreshment Station

There will be a refreshment station located near the Start/Finish Line.


  1. There is a multi-level car park at Bukit Aman.
  2. Limited public parking is available around Lake Gardens.
  3. Parking in Padang Merbok will not be available due to this race.
  4. You are advised to arrive early at the venue.
  5. You are also encouraged to car pool with your team members.
  6. Please do not park your car indiscriminately.


Marshals will be stationed at strategic points along the race route.

Waiver And Acknowledgement Clause

  1. By registering you hereby confirm that (1) you have fulfilled the race requirements as stated in the R & Rs herein and you are in good health and proper physical condition to participate in the KLBR; (2) you are not under the influence of alcohol or any illicit or prescription drugs which would in any way impair your abilities to safely participate in the KLBR.
  2. You understand and acknowledge that the participation in the KLBR may involve risks and dangers and you agree that it is your sole responsibility to determine whether you are sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in the KLBR and you will participate in this event at your own risk and expense.
  3. You agree that (1) you have read and understood the R & Rs herein; (2) you will adhere to and comply with all the R & Rs; (3) you will not in any circumstance hold the KLBAR, KL Bar Committee, the personnel involved in organising and/or sponsoring this event, their representatives, staff, employees and/or contractors, responsible against any cost and expense, and liability that may arise from your participation in this event; (4) you expressly waive all claims for any injuries, death, financial losses and invalidity to you or any of you which may be caused by any act, omission, or failure to act on the part of the organiser, sponsors, their representatives, staff, employees, contractors during the course of the KLBR; (5) KLBAR, KL Bar Committee, the organiser, Malaysian Bar and/or Sponsors/Co-Sponsors for KLBR shall have your unequivocal consent to process your Personal Data as defined under the Personal Data Protection Act, 2010 for the purposes of KLBR and/or for other marketing purposes; and (6) You may receive marketing materials from Sponsors/Co-Sponsors for KLBR.

Privacy Statement

  1. We may collect your data through various ways including data and information voluntarily provided by you during registration.
  2. We may process your Personal Data for the following purposes:
    • to verify your identity;
    • (if applicable) to protect your vital interest or the vital interest of another person in the case where the consent cannot be given by or on your behalf;
    • to detect and prevent fraudulent activity;
    • the administration of justice or prevention or detection of a crime, investigations, public interest or legal proceedings;
    • the execution of any functions conferred on any person by or under any law or was required or authorised by or under any law or by the order of a court or any administrative or regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over the matter;
    • establishing, exercising or defending legal rights;
    • to contact you and maintain communication with you;
    • our internal record keeping;
    • to send you seasonal greetings, messages or public service announcements; and
    • any other purposes which you have explicitly consent to, whether contained herein or otherwise.
  3. We may share some of your personal data with the Malaysian Bar and/or our Sponsors.
  4. You hereby confirm that you have read this Privacy Statement and you fully understand the contents and extent of this Privacy Statement and therefore signify your voluntary, explicit and unconditional acceptance and consent to your Personal Data being processed by us and/or Malaysian Bar and/or our Sponsors/Co-Sponsors for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement and to those classes of third parties identified in this Privacy Statement and that this Privacy Statement shall constitute sufficient NOTICE to you in relation to the process of Personal Data by us.


Please contact:

  1. Soo Siew Mei at soosiewmei@gmail.com or
  2. Eunice Ong at niceyhuey@gmail.com or
  3. Kevin Wong at kevin@kwpartners.com.my or
  4. Lilian Lee at ll.lilian@hotmail.com