Mantin Hill To Hill Ultimate Challenge 2.0 returns for the 2nd edition, hosted by Mantin H4. This event will take place in Mantin, Negeri Sembilan.

The 2nd edition race promises to be a thrilling experience with its significant elevation gains and varied trail distances. Whether participants choose the 8 km, 14 km, or the more demanding 35 km route, they are sure to face some challenging yet rewarding terrain.

Participants can expect a variety of terrain, such as hilly trails, forest paths, open fields, and rocky and muddy tracks, that will test their endurance and skills.

Event Information

Race Date: 20 April 2025
Flag off Time: 4:00 a.m.
Venue: Lake View Farm Campsite, 71700 Mantin, Negeri Sembilan
Distance: 35km, 14km & 8km
Registration Closing Date: 15th March 2025

Event Categories & Registration Fee

  • Super early bird is for first 50pax each category only
  • 5% discount for group registration of >5pax, kindly email to for promo code.
  • 10% discount for group registration of >10pax, kindly email to for promo code.
  • All the discounts above are NOT VALID for the 8KM CATEGORY & SUPER EARLY BIRD RATE.All Fees exclude online processing fee.


Event T-Shirt & Finisher Wind Breaker Size Chart

Event T-Shirt

Finisher Wind-Breaker (35km only)

Mandatory Items

Rules and Regulations

Semi-Self Sufficiency 
1. Runners must complete the set course on foot by their own power and ability within the stipulated time; Trekking poles is allowed for runners of all categories;
2. Drinking cups will not be provided at any of the water station points;
3. 8 km, 14 km & 35 km runners must have their own cup or other personal container suitable for the purpose;
4. No pacers are allowed to run along with the runners for all categories;
5. Personal assistance (support crew) along the running route and at the water stations is Not Allowed in all categories.

Runners Responsibilities 
1. Runners must understand the unique nature and requirements of competing in a long-distance trail running race.
2. He/she must have undertaken the necessary training to compete in 36 km race event.
3. Runners will be responsible for his/her own safety by having the ability and skills to deal with problems that may be encountered during the race of this nature.
4. Runners must be able to undertake or deal with on his/her own without any other external assistance during the deteriorating weather conditions (e.g. raining, strong winds, hot sun and etc..) and other unforeseen circumstances arises while running on the road and/or trails.
5. Runners who accept any assistance and support from any person may be disqualified.
6. In the event of a runner meeting another runner who is in health difficulty or injured, he/she must stop to help and inform the race organizer to seek for medical assistance. Failure to do so may result in penalties or disqualification being imposed to the runner or runners concerned.

Mandatory Items 
1. By entering the race, each runner undertakes to take with him/her all the mandatory items as listed below throughout the race.
2. Failure to do so will result in application of the time penalties or disqualification.
3. Mandatory items (gear checks will be carried out on all runners before the race starts, and spot checks may be carried out along the route during the race)

Refer to chart

DNF (Did not Finish) PROCEDURES  
1. Runners may DNF voluntarily or by missing the stipulated cut-off times at various checkpoints along the race course;
2. Runner who decides to pull out voluntarily must proceed to the nearest checkpoint, inform and register with the race staffs and the bib will be specially marked to indicate the DNF status of the runners.
3. Runners who fail to arrive at the checkpoints within the stipulated cut-off times will not be allowed to continue running in the race. His/her bib will be specially marked.
4. Runner who fails to notify the organisers immediately of his/her voluntary DNF, thereby setting in motion a search and rescue operations by the rescue staff, will be liable to pay for any costs deriving there-from.
5. Runner who has DNFed from the race are not allowed to continue his/her run. IF he/she insists on continuing running, he/she is NO LONGER in this event, and will be running entirely on his/her own accord and at his/her own risk. The organizer reserves the right to ban this kind of runner from future edition.
6. The DNF runners should rest at a bright, safe place with sufficient phone coverage and wait for a non-scheduled race shuttle for pick-up and delivery to the finish point;
7. If runner is unable to move on his/her own, either return to the nearest water station point he/she has just left or to the next water station point. Please contact the race headquarters to seek for assistance. Emergency contact no.: print on BIB

1. Only Online registration is acceptable.
2. Confirmation slip upon registration must be presented, along with an identity card or passport, during the Race Entry Pack Collection Day.
3. The event is open to individuals aged 18 and above as of 20 April 2025. Participants under 18 must obtain parental consent to participate.
4. The Organizer reserves the right to close entries before the deadline once the race quota is full.
5. Participants must display their race bibs visibly to avoid penalties or disqualification.
6. Littering is prohibited. Please dispose of all litter at the nearest checkpoint.
7. The Organizer reserves the right to disallow any person who is known or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in the event or disqualify who is unsporting behaviour.
8. The organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel or suspend the race for any reason it deems fit to do so.