This event is not just a fun ride, it's more about enjoying the night of illuminating lightalong the way Sendayan New Township and the neighbourhood.

Look forward to have everyone participating at Sendayan, Negeri Sembilan this March 2023!

Event Information

Event name : Sendayan Neon Ride 2023
Date : 18 March 2023
Venue Start/Finish : D'Tempat Country Club, Sendayan, Negeri Sembilan
Distance : 25 km++
Time : 8.00 pm
Online Registration : Checkpoint Spot
Closing Date : 28 February 2023
Organizer : Fanaz Event & Management
Supported : D'Tempat Country Club

Categories/Cut Off Time

  • Registration open to all type of bike.
  • Age qualification taken as of 31st December 2023.
  • Authorization must be given by parents/guardians of participants under 18 years of age.



Age Group

Start Date


Gun Time


Total Hours COT


Fun Ride

Open to all

18 March

25 KM



2.5 hours

Registration Fee


Distance (KM)

1st 200

201 & above

Fun Ride


RM 55

RM 60

* Price excludes online ticketing fee of 6%.

Upon successful registration with CheckpointSpot, registrant will receive a confirmation email.

Please check the Spam/Junk folder if you couldn't find it in inbox.

You can also retrieve your confirmation slip if you create user profile with CheckpointSpot.

Please create your own user profile (if you still have not created) to access to more features:

Rider's Entitlements



 Sublimation Event Tee

 Number Plate

 Finisher Medal


 Refreshment at Finish Line


 Water Station / Isotonic Drinks

 Medic Support

 Group Insurance & Medical Assistance

 Lucky Draw

Event T-Shirt and Size Chart

** Final outcome design maybe differ from illustrations.
** Participants are advised to refer to the size chart and select their sizes carefully to avoid any sizing issues. No exchange will be allowed after confirmation of registration.

Medal Design

* Final outcome design maybe differ from illustrations.

Bib and E-Certificate

* Final outcome design maybe differ from illustrations.

Race Pack Collection

Venue : D'Tempat Country Club, Bandar Seri Sendayan, Negeri Sembilan
Date : 18 March 2023, Saturday / 11.00am – 7.00pm

Reminder to participants:
Please bring along confirmation slip (E-Ticket) (thru smartphone) ) from online registration provider or your Malaysian IC / Passport (for non-Malaysians) when you redeem your race kit for verification purposes. Collect on behalf of any relative, COMPULSORY to show their confirmation slip (E-TICKET or id-card/passport (thru smartphone). Race kit will be forfeited if failed to collect during the stipulated date and time.

** Race kit will be forfeited if failed to collect during the stipulated date and time.

General Rules and Regulations

  1. Sendayan Neon Ride 2023 - is organised by Fanaz Event & Management (hereby known as the Organiser).
  2. All prospective Participants must complete an official Sendayan Neon Ride 2023 entry form on the online registration site to be deemed as participants in the race.
  3. The Participants must also click on the check box that has agreed on the waiver of the organisers’ liability as stated in the online registration.
  4. The completion of the official Sendayan Neon Ride 2023 online registration including manual registration, confirms the Participant’s agreement to abide by all event Rules and Regulations.
  5. Registration for participation in the race is only confirmed upon the successful completion of the race entry form, entry fee payment, and issuance of a race identification number.
  6. Inaccurate or incomplete information can be grounds for disqualification or barring from the event with no-issuance of a refund.
  7. Participants must agree to receive contact from the Event Organisers from time to time by email. Any notice sent by email by the organiser or the party so assigned by the organisers to the supplied address on the registration form shall be deemed received by the Participant.
  8. Transfer of bib registration is not allowed and any substitution of runners must be with the consent of the Organiser they will not be entitled to any prizes nor other entitlement and shall assume any risk at their own expenses.
  9. Abiding rules and regulations of the event and local laws. In addition to adhering to the event’s Rules and Regulations, Participants will be required to abide by all local laws and customs while participating in the event.
  10. Waiver for loss. The Organiser will not be responsible for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise to the participants for any conditions in respect of the race and the organisation of the event including all management of the event whether it be with respect to route logistic and etc.
  11. Indemnity against the Organiser : The participant shall indemnify any loss or damages that are suffered by the Organiser for any legal action taken against the Organiser by a third party for any fault caused by the participants
  12. Baggage deposit : The Organiser also reserves the right to check any item or baggage deposited and shall not be held liable for any losses/damages due to the deposit at the baggage drop center or any other area in the event.
  13. The Organiser’s Right’s : The organiser reserves the right to modify or substitute any of these Rules & Regulations and/or Terms & Conditions herein from time to time as they deem fit. If there is ambiguity in any of these provisions, the organiser shall be the authority to interpret and in so doing, they will take into account the interests of all the affected participants. Any amendments to these R&Rs and/or T&Cs will be updated on the Official Website.
  14. Postpone on situations beyond control. The Organiser reserve the right to cancel or postpone Sendayan Neon Ride 2023 at any time with or without prior notice to the Participant, in which case they will make a reasonable effort to inform the Participant before the date of the event. If the Sendayan Neon Ride 2023 has to be postponed, there shall be minimum refund of fees paid and the Organisers shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused.
  15. The Organiser also reserves the right to convert the physical run to the virtual platform wherein upon any changes or mandate by the authorities.
  16. Amendment on routes : The organiser reserves the right to amend the Event race routes as they deem fit for the safety of the Participant and/or to prevent any potential hazards in the running of the event, at any time without prior notice to the Participant. In such cases, every effort will be made to inform the Participant before the day/date of the event. The Organisers shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes.
  17. Participant’s waiver on safety: Whilst reasonable precaution will be taken by the Organisers to ensure the Participants’ safety, Participants take part in the event at their own risk and the Organisers will not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death howsoever arising from training for or during participation in Event. Participants and/or their assignees or successor, upon registration hereby waived their rights to take any legal action or make any claims, whether or not arising from contract or negligence or under any laws or enactment or misunderstanding of the route by Participants, against Organiser for any loss, injury and damage about their participation in the Event.
  18. Participants are strongly encouraged to consult their medical practitioner before registration and before the actual race day.
  19. Items not allowed pets, in-line skates, prams, pushcarts, shoes with built-in or attached rollers, and only bicycle are allowed on the race route for all categories unless approved.


  1. This race is open to all Malaysian/Permanent Resident and oversea riders' age 18 years old only.
  2. Participants must complete the race on foot under their own strength.
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to deny entry to any participants.

Safety and Medical

  1. There will be medical personnel on standby at the race site.
  2. Ambulance service is on standby as well for emergency cases only.
  3. There is GPA included in participant registration fee.
  4. Any claims of injuries/accident during the event, runner shall liaise with the appointed insurance agent by the organizer.
  5. There will be no cash claim/compensation given to the runners related to this matter.
  6. Participants must be physically fit and in good health to complete their chosen race distance within the designated cut off time.
  7. Participants are responsible for their health insurance and wellbeing. The event Organisers assume no responsibility for any injury or damage that occurs from training, during, or as a result of the event. Participants are encouraged to consult with their medical practitioner before the event.
  8. Participants must retire from the race immediately if asked/requested to do so by any member of the officials, medical personnel, or security officers.
  9. This safety and medical regulations will now include additional requirements in the COVID -19 Code of Conduct.

Participat Information

  1. By signing up for the Sendayan Neon Ride 2023, the Participants agree to grant the Organisers permission to collect, analyse, or distribute any personal information regarding the event as they deem fit, including any races statistics and demographic information to be used for any future planning, data, research, marketing, and/or any other purpose.
  2. The Organisers reserve the right to use any photographs, video, sound recordings, personal statements/interviews or any other media from the Sendayan Neon Ride 2023 as they deem fit, including in future marketing and commercial advertising.

Race Entry Pack Collection

  1. All participants must collect their race entry pack during the designated Race entry pack collection time period, details of which are on the Venue so stipulated.
  2. If Participants are unable to collect their race entry pack in person, another authorized person may do so for them upon informing the Organisers and/or the race registration online company via their email address.
  3. Late collection will not be entertained, and the organisers shall not be liable for any loss or inconvenience caused due to Participants’ inability to collect their Race Kit. It is the sole responsibility of the Participant to collect their Race Kit during the collection period.
  4. Uncollected Race Kits will be deemed as unwanted, and the Organisers shall be at liberty to dispose or re-distribute them accordingly.
  5. After registration, there will be no fee refund for Participants who do not eventually take part in the Event, for any reasons whatsoever.
  6. The Race Kit Collection process will also now incorporate the terms and conditions required by the Covid 19 SOP Code of Conduct.

Participant Waiver

  1. By participating I/we accept all risks necessarily resulting from my participation, which would result in loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I will not be held liable all people associated with the conduct of events and will release them against all matters arising from my participation in event. For clarification, the people released include event organizers, promoters, sponsors, managers, officers, employees, agents, contractors and volunteers including event medical and paramedical personnel and every personnel invited and asked to be involve in the event by the organizers. This release and indemnity continue forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assignees.
  2. I/we understand that I park my vehicle at my own risk and assume organizers to not hold any responsibility for loss of or damage to my vehicle.
  3. I/we acknowledge that the event involves real risk of serious injuries, or risk of death, from various causes including over exertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other competitors, spectators and road users, the course and weather conditions, just to name a few.
  4. I/we understand that I should not participate in the event unless I have prepared appropriately, and my physical condition has been verified by a medical practitioner.
  5. I/we understand that the information that I have provided herein will be included in the organizer database. I also understand that information of a biological nature including my name, date of birth, home state, results, career highlights and interests may be released to the media in response to general requests.
  6. I/we agree to abide by all the Rules of organizers which relate, in part, to safe and fair sporting practices.
  7. I/we grant organizers unconditional rights to use at their discretion photographic pictures and personal information in any form of media, art, advertising, trade, visual documentary, promotional material, merchandise or film coverage of any kind without compensation to me. I also waive the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the copy that may be used in connection therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.
  8. I/we have permission from my family and related sport associations to compete in this event.

Organizer Information

Organised by :Fanaz Event & Management
Contact No : 012-6964345
Email :