Race Information

Event: TRR Spin Run Taiping 2023
Date: 22rd October 2023
Venue: Padang Esplanade Taiping, Perak

Categories & Fee

TRR Spin Run 2023

A 21KM MEN OPEN  16 - 44 years
B 21KM MEN VETERAN 45 years & above
C 21KM WOMEN OPEN 16 - 44 years
D 21KM WOMEN VETERAN 45 years & above
E 10KM MEN OPEN  16 - 44 years
F 10KM MEN VETERAN 45 years & above
G 10KM WOMEN OPEN 16 - 44 years
H 10KM WOMEN VETERAN 45 years & above
J 5KM FUN RUN 9 years & above

Race Pack Collection (REPC)

TRR Spin Run 2023

Flagoff Time

TRR Spin Run 2023

Cash Prizes

TRR Spin Run 2023

Event T-Shirt

TRR Spin Run 2023
TRR Spin Run 2023
TRR Spin Run 2023

Finisher Medals

TRR Spin Run 2023 TRR Spin Run 2023

Running Route

TRR Spin Run 2023
TRR Spin Run 2023

Rules & Regulations

  1. All participants must be fully vaccinated. Any participant found not fully vaccinated will be disqualified on the spot. Participants are encouraged to test their self with Covid RTK kits before reporting to the race pack collection center.
  2. Participants must complete the set course on foot by their own ability within the stipulated cut off time.
  3. Support crews, support vehicles, pacers or any outside assistance is not permitted. Pacing of runners via any means such as wheeled devices or non-participants pacing/running alongside is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification. There is, however, no restriction on participants in buying food/drinks from the shops, restaurants, hawkers and vending machines along the route.
  4. Participants must cross all checkpoints along the route. Failure to do so will mean the participant has not completed the full race course and will therefore be disqualified.
  5. Participants who accept any assistance from any person or external sources may be disqualified.
  6. Participants must place their race bibs facing forward, prominently as high as possible on the front of their Running Tee. Do not place your race bib on the side of your hips, on your back, or tucked away in your jacket. Runners found without their race bib numbers may be penalized or disqualified. Please ensure that the race bib number is visible.
  7. No unauthorized transfer of bib is allowed.
  8. No pets or animals are allowed on the course.
  9. Participants must follow the directions given by the race organizer. Participants must obey directions of race marshals or officials at all times. In particular if you miss any cut-off times you must withdraw from the race as instructed.
  10. Littering is strictly prohibited. Participants, crews and staffs must not litter, mar, or pollute the landscape or environment. Any participant found littering will be penalized at the organiser’s discretion. Penalty may involve disqualification, depending on the severity of the breach. Please help us to promote Cleaner, Greener and Healthier environment.
  11. Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the organisers’ discretion and are final.
  12. Participants are responsible to ensure their own safety and that of others. Participants must always be single file, on the far left side of the road or off the left side of the road. Be considerate to other road users at all times. Take great care when running. If any other participant is injured or in distress, please provide assistance.
  13. TRR Spin Run 2023 has its own public liability insurance.
  14. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the Event Rules, route and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate, to cancel and to postpone or reschedule the event date to a later date.
  15. Cheating is absolutely abhorred. These will be duly disqualified.
  16. All participants, crew and staff must display courtesy, good taste, decorum, and sportsmanship at all times. Nudity is specifically not allowed.


Organizer: Taiping Road Runners
Email: info@spinsportswear.com
Contact: +6019-589 8292