Race Info

Date : 17-19th January 2025 (Friday-Sunday)
Time : 9.00PM (Friday)9.00AM (Sunday)
COT : 2 hours (5.8KM)
    12 Hours (52KM)
    24 Hours (104KM)
    36 Hours (162KM)
Venue : Start/Finish – Stadium, UiTM Shah Alam
Organizer Zuddin Event & Pusat Sukan UiTM

Race Category



Age group 

Start time 

Cutoff time 


162KM – Men Open 

18 – 39 years old 


36 hours 


162KM – Men Veteran 

40 years and above 


162KM – Women Open 

18 – 39 years old 


162KM – Women Veteran 

40 years and above 


104KM - Men Open 

18 – 39 years old 


24 hours 


104KM - Men Veteran 

40 years and above 


104KM - Women Open 

18 – 39 years old 


104KM - Men Veteran 

40 years and above 


52KM – Men Open 

18 – 39 years old 


12 hours 


52KM – Men Veteran 

40 years and above 


52KM – Women Open 

18 – 39 years old 


52KM – Women Veteran 

40 years and above 


5.8KM – Men 

6 years and above 



2 hours 


5.8KM – Women 

6 years and above 

  • Age is determined by the year of birth. 
  • Kids below 12 years old must run with parent/guardian. 

Entry Fee


16/10/2024 – 31/10/2024 

1/11/2024 – 1/12/2024 

16/10/2024 – 5/01/2025 
(Bib Only)  





104 KM 




52 KM 








* 6% discount for group registration of 5 pax and above. 

* 6% discount for return runners. 

* 8% processing fee is not included.

* 5.8km registration within the group does not count into the Group of 5 and will not get 6% discount

Winner's Prizes


1st place 

2nd place 

3rd place 

4th place 

5th place 

Men Open 
(162km / 104km / 52km)  

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Men Veteran 
(162km / 104km / 52km)

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Women Open 
(162km / 104km / 52km)

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Women Veteran 
(162km / 104km / 52km)

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Position Trophy & sponsor items 

Total of 60 podium winners (Top 5) 

Runner's Entitlements

  • Personalized BIB (Timing chip – Timing chip only for ultra-distance) 
  • Event T-shirt (short or long sleeve) 
  • Marathon Baker mini bar 
  • Free flow food and drinks 
  • Finisher Medal (within COT) 
  • Finisher T-shirt (within COT – Only for ultra-distance) 
  • Post-race massage  

T-shirt & Size Measurement

Race Pack Collection

Race pack collection will be held at UiTM Shah Alam on race day. 

Collection schedule will be announced later.  

The pack includes the following: 

  • Race bib 
  • Event T-shirt 
  • Sponsored items  

If you are unable to collect your race pack, you may appoint a 3rd party to collect on behalf of you by providing a letter of authorization and a copy of your identity card or passport. 

Bib Transfer

  • No refund will be made to runners if you wish to cancel your registration.
    Bib transfer (with change of t-shirt size) can only be done before 20th December 2024 with processing fee of RM50.00.

  • Please email to uitmultramarathon@gmail.com with title of UiTM Ultra Vol.7 Bib Transfer Request.
    In the email, please include both parties’ details (registered runner and new runner).


  • There will be toilets around Stadium UiTM.  
  • Camp-zone will be available for runners & personal crews to stay. However, runners must bring their own tent, there will be no tent provided. 
  • Camp-zone area time is: 8.00pm (17th January 2025) – 9.30am (19th January 2025)  
  • *Any changes will be updated. 

Mandatory/Recommended Items

Mandatory items






Cups / Bottles (no disposable cup provided) 

  • 1x for Stadium 
  • 1x for CP Bukit Tonggek 

Recommended items




 Hydration bag or belt


 Sports gel/energy bar


 Own food

*Safety is important, runners are advised to run safely as traffic will not be closed completely for the run.

Insurance and Safety

  1. The Organizer will not be held responsible for any claim resulting from this event.
  2. Group Personal Accident Insurance is included in the event fee. However, it is recommended that you have personal accident insurance or health insurance.
  3. Organizer will not bare any cost of losses during the event.

Water Stations

  1. There will be a water station which will be located at Stadium UiTM Shah Alam. You can place your personal bottle at designated table and secondary bottle/cup at waterstation.
  2. Table for personal bottle will be numbered 1-50, 51-100, and so on until 300. Please put your bottle according to your BIB number.
  3. Heavy food & beverages will be provided in the Stadium area only.
  4. Water station (+-2.5KM will only provide mineral water & isotonic).
  5. Bring your own bottle (BYOB) is a concept used in this event for reducing waste.

Drop Bag Service

  • There will be a drop bag service on the Start/Finish line. 
  • Please help to pack your thing properly and tag it with BIB NUMBER. 
  • We will dispose any drop bag that is not collected 1 hour after the cutoff time. 
  • We will not be reliable for any damage to your item. 
  • To withdraw your drop bag just show your bib number. 

Did Not Finish

You will be considered as did not finish (DNF) the race if you are unable to complete 104km, 84km or 52km within the organizer cut-off time. If you decide to quit during the race, kindly report to the nearest crew and follow further instructions by the officials. You may return to the finish line by yourself or in case of injuries, wait for a medical assistant. 

Your BIB will be marked/cut, and you are not eligible for Finisher Entitlement. 


You will be disqualified (DQ) if you were found cheating by taking shortcuts, using any sort of vehicle for assistance or commit any act harmful to other runners and officials. 

Your BIB will be marked, and you are not eligible for Finisher Entitlement. 


  • There will be medical personnel on standby at the race site.
  • Ambulance service is on standby as well for emergency cases.
  • Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are fit and healthy before starting the race. -Please consult your doctor if there is any doubt.
  • Participants are to accept the risk associated with the event as per the indemnity clause stated in the registration form.
  • The organizer will not be held responsible for any claim resulting from this event.
  • It is recommended that you have personal accident insurance or health insurance.

Event Changes/Cancellation

Organizer have the rights to postpone/cancel the event if advised by UiTM or due to weather conditions.

Organizer Contact

Organizer: Zuddin Event
Email: uitmultramarathon@gmail.com